Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III) Study Guide
April 19, 2024

Guide for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III)

The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certifications are among the most prestigious and widely recognized qualifications in the field of Agile and Scrum practices. These certifications, provided by, validate a professional's comprehensive understanding and proficiency in the role of a Scrum Master and their ability to adeptly apply Scrum principles in various team and organizational contexts. The PSM certification is split into three distinct levels: PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III, each designed to assess different depths of knowledge and experience in the Scrum framework.

Understanding the Certification Levels

  • PSM I: This foundational certification focuses on the basic knowledge of Scrum, ensuring that the holder understands Scrum as outlined in the Scrum Guide and can effectively implement its practices within Scrum Teams. It is ideal for those new to Scrum or those looking to solidify their understanding of Scrum practices.
  • PSM II: Aimed at professionals who have mastered the basics covered in PSM I, this certification delves deeper into the role of the Scrum Master. It tests one's understanding of how to support and lead a Scrum Team in more complex project scenarios.
  • PSM III: This advanced certification requires a profound level of knowledge and experience. It is designed for those who have significant expertise in practicing Scrum and can demonstrate their ability in coaching, facilitating, mentoring, and teaching Scrum Team members as well as influencing overall organizational processes.

Each level of certification builds on the previous one, requiring a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of Scrum. The assessments are structured to ensure that professionals not only know Scrum theoretically but can also apply it practically in diverse and challenging environments. Whether you are beginning your journey as a Scrum Master or looking to advance your existing skills, these certifications provide a structured path to mastering the complexities of the role.

Guide to Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III) Syllabus Breakdown

PSM I: Understanding the Basics of Scrum

Scrum Theory and Principles

  • The foundations of Scrum including the empirical process theory upon which Scrum is based. Understanding how transparency, inspection, and adaptation play a key role.

The Scrum Framework

  • A detailed look at the Scrum roles, events, and artifacts. This includes the roles of the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team, as well as a breakdown of the Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Scrum Values

  • Discussion on commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect and how these values guide the behaviors within a Scrum team.

PSM II: Advanced Scrum Master Skills

Supporting the Development Team

  • Techniques and skills for coaching and facilitating effective team dynamics and self-organization. Emphasis on problem-solving strategies.

Supporting the Product Owner

  • Methods to help the Product Owner manage a product backlog effectively for better product outcomes. Includes advanced techniques for backlog management and forecasting.

Engagement with the Organization

  • Strategies to promote Scrum and its benefits across the organization. Includes dealing with resistance from stakeholders and integrating Scrum with organizational practices.

PSM III: Mastery of Scrum

Scaling Scrum

  • Approaches for scaling Scrum across multiple teams working on a single product. Understanding of frameworks like LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) or Nexus.

Leadership Role in Complex Environments

  • Emphasis on leadership roles beyond traditional team facilitation. Covers change management in complex environments using leadership theories applicable to agile leadership.

Advanced Scrum Concepts

  • Deep dive into the nuances of product delivery using advanced techniques such as impact mapping, user story mapping, and Lean UX.

Exam Details - Exam Structure, Format, and Duration

Exam Structure and Format

The Professional Scrum Master exams (PSM I, II, III) are conducted online and primarily consist of multiple-choice and essay-type questions. The format specifics vary across the three levels:

  • PSM I: This foundational level exam predominantly features multiple-choice questions that assess basic knowledge of Scrum.
  • PSM II: This intermediate level exam includes a mix of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions, requiring a deeper understanding and practical application of Scrum.
  • PSM III: The advanced level exam is the most rigorous, with a focus on essay-type questions that test candidates on their practical experience and in-depth knowledge of Scrum in complex organizational scenarios.

Each exam is timed, with the duration increasing with the complexity of the certification level:

  • PSM I: 60 minutes
  • PSM II: 90 minutes
  • PSM III: 120 minutes

Passing Score Requirements

To successfully pass the exams, candidates must achieve the following minimum scores:

  • PSM I: 85%
  • PSM II: 85%
  • PSM III: 85%

Retake Policy

If a candidate does not pass the exam on their first attempt, they are allowed to retake it. However, mandates a waiting period between attempts:

  • After the first failed attempt, candidates must wait a minimum of 14 days before retaking the exam.
  • Subsequent attempts require a 30-day waiting period.

Types of Questions Included in the Exam

The nature of questions varies by level:

  • PSM I: Questions focus on basic Scrum concepts, roles, events, and artifacts.
  • PSM II: Questions are more scenario-based, requiring candidates to apply Scrum principles to hypothetical situations.
  • PSM III: This level demands extensive written responses where candidates must demonstrate how they would handle complex real-world situations using Scrum practices.

How to Prepare for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III)

how to prepare for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III).png

Understanding the Scrum Guide Thoroughly

The Scrum Guide is the foundation of all PSM certifications. It is imperative to read and understand the Scrum Guide multiple times. Highlight key concepts, roles, events, artifacts, and rules. Familiarize yourself deeply with the principles that underpin the Scrum framework, such as empiricism and self-organization.

Engaging with Open Assessments provides open assessments that are crucial for gauging your understanding of Scrum. These assessments should be taken repeatedly until you consistently score 100%. They help identify areas where your understanding may be lacking and require further study.

Utilizing Additional Study Materials

  • Books and Articles: Expand your knowledge by reading widely recommended books on Scrum and Agile practices. Books such as "Scrum: A Pocket Guide" by Gunther Verheyen and "Agile Estimating and Planning" by Mike Cohn can be particularly helpful.
  • Online Courses: Platforms like Udemy offer comprehensive courses tailored specifically for PSM exams. These can provide structured learning and cover topics beyond the Scrum Guide.
  • Mock Exams: Practice with mock exams beyond those available on Websites like Mikhail Lapshin’s quiz portal offer valuable practice in a format similar to the actual exams.

Participating in Study Groups or Forums

Join study groups or forums where you can discuss Scrum concepts with peers. Platforms like LinkedIn groups or the forums allow you to engage with other aspirants and certified professionals who can provide insights and clarify doubts.

Practical Application

If possible, apply Scrum practices in your current work or a voluntary project. Real-world application of Scrum helps solidify theoretical knowledge through practical experience.

Regular Revision

Set up a regular revision schedule leading up to your exam date. Revisit the Scrum Guide, your notes, and any incorrect answers from practice tests. This will help reinforce your knowledge and boost confidence.

Exam Strategy

  • Time Management: Be aware of the time during the exam to ensure you can complete all questions.
  • Understanding Questions: Carefully read each question and understand what is being asked, especially for higher-level PSM II and III exams which involve complex scenario-based questions.
  • Use of Elimination: Use elimination tactics to narrow down choices, especially when answers seem similar but have distinct differences in implications.

By following these structured steps, you can effectively prepare for achieving your PSM I, II, or III certification.

Benefits of Practicing Exam Questions for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III)

Reinforcement of Theoretical Knowledge

Practicing exam questions for the PSM certifications helps to reinforce the theoretical concepts covered in the Scrum Guide and other preparatory materials. By repeatedly addressing these questions, candidates can solidify their understanding of Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and values. This continuous engagement with the material ensures that the theoretical knowledge transitions into practical understanding, which is crucial for applying Scrum principles effectively in real-world scenarios.

Exposure to a Variety of Scenarios

Exam practice exposes candidates to diverse scenarios and problem-solving situations that they might not have encountered in their everyday roles. Each question is designed to challenge and expand a candidate’s perspective on how the Scrum framework can be applied. This variety prepares candidates for a wide range of challenges they might face as a Scrum Master, enhancing their adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Identification of Knowledge Gaps

As candidates practice with exam questions, they are likely to encounter areas where their knowledge is lacking. Identifying these gaps is crucial as it directs the candidates to aspects of Scrum that require further study. Addressing these gaps ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the framework, ultimately preparing candidates for both the examination and practical application in their professional roles.

Time Management Skills

The PSM exams, especially at higher levels like PSM III, require not just mastery of content but also effective time management. Practicing with timed exams helps candidates learn how to allocate their time wisely during the actual exam. This practice aids in developing strategies to efficiently tackle exam questions without compromising on accuracy.

Confidence Building

Regular practice with exam questions builds confidence by familiarizing candidates with the format and complexity of the questions asked in the actual certification exams. As candidates become more adept at handling various types of questions, their confidence grows, which can significantly improve their performance during the actual exam.

Practical Application

Exam questions often simulate real-life problems that require practical solutions. Engaging with these questions allows candidates to practice applying Scrum principles in practical scenarios. This not only helps in passing the exam but also equips them with the skills needed to handle real-world challenges effectively as a Scrum Master.

How to Find Exam Practice Questions for Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III)

Explore Official Resources

The first and most reliable source for PSM practice questions is the website. offers a range of free resources and practice assessments specifically designed for each level of the PSM certification. These resources are updated regularly to reflect the latest version of the Scrum Guide and provide a solid baseline for what to expect in the exams.

Utilize Third-Party Websites

Various third-party websites offer practice questions and mock exams. Websites like Pluralsight, Udemy, and Simplilearn provide comprehensive practice tests that mimic the format of the actual PSM exams. These platforms often include explanations for each answer, helping you understand the rationale behind correct and incorrect responses.

Join Study Groups and Forums

Participating in study groups and online forums can be incredibly beneficial. Platforms like Forums, LinkedIn Groups, and even subreddits dedicated to Scrum offer a space where candidates can share resources, discuss difficult concepts, and exchange practice questions. Engaging with a community can provide insights that are not evident from solo study.

Books and Guides

Several well-regarded books offer not only detailed insights into Scrum practices but also include chapters with practice questions or quizzes. Books like "Scrum: A Pocket Guide" by Gunther Verheyen or "The Scrum Guide" by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber are excellent resources. Often these books are written by Scrum practitioners who include practical question sets based on their extensive experience.

Online Quizzes and Flashcards

Online educational tools such as Quizlet and other flashcard sites allow users to create and share their own study materials. Searching these platforms can yield user-generated practice questions that cover a broad range of topics within the Scrum framework.

Test Preparation Apps

Mobile apps specifically designed for PSM exam preparation can be used for studying on-the-go. These apps typically include practice tests, flashcards, and learning modules to help reinforce your understanding of Scrum principles.

Find exam practice questions on

For a wide variety of additional practice questions tailored to meet the needs of PSM I, II, and III exam candidates, visit Enhance your preparation with custom quizzes designed to test your Scrum knowledge effectively.

Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III) Test Tips and Tricks

Understanding the Exam Structure

Before diving into the preparation for any of the PSM exams, it's crucial to understand the structure and type of questions you will face. Each level increases in difficulty and complexity:

  • PSM I focuses on foundational Scrum knowledge.
  • PSM II involves scenario-based questions that test your ability to apply Scrum principles.
  • PSM III requires a deep understanding of Scrum practices and includes essay-type questions.

Key Preparation Strategies

Review the Scrum Guide Thoroughly

The Scrum Guide is the bible for all things Scrum. Read it multiple times to ensure you grasp every detail, as questions often test your understanding of Scrum roles, artifacts, events, and rules.

Utilize Practice Tests

Practice tests are invaluable for preparation. They help you familiarize yourself with the question format and identify areas where you need more study. Websites like offer practice exams that mimic the difficulty of the actual tests.

Engage in Interactive Learning

Consider enrolling in online courses or workshops that offer interactive learning experiences. These can provide practical insights and tips not found in written materials alone.

Exam Day Tips

Prepare Your Environment

Ensure your testing environment is conducive to concentration. Check your internet connection, have all necessary passwords at hand, and ensure a quiet space free from interruptions.

Time Management

Time is limited during the exams, especially for PSM II and III. Prioritize answering questions you are sure about first, then return to more challenging ones if time permits.

Use an Open Book Wisely

For open book exams like PSM I, having digital versions of materials can help quickly search for specific information. However, rely primarily on your knowledge since searching can consume precious time.

Continuous Learning Post-Exam

Reflect on Mistakes

Whether you pass or need to retake the exam, review your answers and understand any mistakes made. This reflection will strengthen your Scrum mastery and prepare you better for future professional challenges.

Stay Updated

Scrum is an evolving framework. Regularly update your knowledge with the latest versions of the Scrum Guide and participate in Scrum forums or communities to stay informed about new practices and changes.

Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III) Practice Exam Questions

PSM I Practice Questions

Question 1:

What is the main role of the Scrum Master in relation to the Product Owner?

A) To manage the Product Backlog
B) To facilitate Scrum events as requested
C) To make business decisions related to the product
D) To take accountability for the success of the product

Question 2:

Which artifact provides a list of work to be done in Scrum?

A) Sprint Backlog
B) Product Backlog
C) Increment
D) Burndown Chart

PSM II Practice Questions

Question 3:

When multiple teams are working on the same product, how should the Product Backlog be arranged?

A) Each team should have its own Product Backlog
B) There should be one Product Backlog that all teams utilize
C) Separate backlogs should be maintained and integrated at the Product Increment level
D) Teams should prioritize their sections of the backlog independently

Question 4:

In a scenario where a Development Team is consistently missing Sprint Goals, what should the Scrum Master do first?

A) Reprimand the Development Team for poor performance
B) Review and adjust the Sprint planning process
C) Increase the duration of Sprints to allow for more work to be completed
D) Decrease the scope of future Sprints

PSM III Advanced Question

Question 5:

Describe how a Scrum Master should act when a Development Team member is not collaborating effectively with other team members.

  • Option A: The Scrum Master should immediately remove the team member from the team.
  • Option B: The Scrum Master should facilitate a discussion within the team about communication and collaboration.
  • Option C: The Scrum Master should ignore the situation as it is up to the team to resolve their conflicts.
  • Option D: The Scrum Master should assign tasks that require less collaboration to that team member.

These questions are designed to reflect various aspects of Scrum methodology and challenge your understanding at different levels of certification.

Professional Scrum Master (PSM) (I, II, III) Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III?


  • Focus: Fundamentals of Scrum framework, roles, events, and artifacts.
  • Format: Multiple-choice questions.
  • Objective: Assess basic understanding of Scrum.


  • Focus: Advanced knowledge of Scrum practices and their application.
  • Format: Combination of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions.
  • Objective: Evaluate the ability to apply Scrum in complex real-life situations.


  • Focus: Mastery over Scrum practices and their adaptability in complex organizational challenges.
  • Format: A mix of multiple-choice, essay, and scenario-based questions.
  • Objective: Test deep understanding and practical application of Scrum across various team and organizational environments.

How should I prepare for each PSM exam?

General Preparation Tips

  • Thoroughly read the official Scrum Guide.
  • Engage with Scrum-related books and articles.
  • Participate in community discussions and forums.

PSM I Preparation

  • Focus on memorizing the basics of the Scrum framework.
  • Utilize free quizzes and practice tests available online.

PSM II Preparation

  • Gain practical experience by applying Scrum principles in real projects.
  • Study real-world scenarios and how to handle them using Scrum methodologies.

PSM III Preparation

  • Deepen your understanding through extensive reading and case studies.
  • Practice essay writing to articulate complex Scrum applications clearly.

What common mistakes should I avoid?

Before the Exam

  • Avoid inadequate preparation; don't underestimate the complexity of the exams, especially for PSM II and III.
  • Do not go into the exam tired or without having tested your knowledge under timed conditions.

During the Exam

  • Manage your time effectively; some questions, especially in PSM III, require thoughtful and detailed responses.
  • Read each question carefully to ensure you understand what is being asked before answering.

Are there any specific strategies for passing the PSM exams?

Time Management

Allocate time based on the complexity of questions—spend more time on essay and scenario-based questions which require deeper insight.

Understanding Scrum Principles

Ensure a solid grasp of Scrum principles as both theoretical knowledge and practical application are tested.

Mock Exams

Regularly practice with mock exams to build confidence and help identify areas needing further study.